domingo, março 30, 2008

rei pescador 4.0 (ou Ciao, Kitty!)

To me, every film, every project, is an experiment. How do you translate this idea? How do you translate it so that it goes from an idea to a film or a chair? You've got this idea, and you can see it and hear it and feel it and know it. Now, let's say you start cutting a piece of wood and it's just not exactly right. That makes you think more, so you can take off from that. You're now acting and reacting. So it's a kind of an experiment to get it all to feel correct. When you meditate, that flow increases. Action and reaction go faster. You'll get an idea here, then you'll go there, and then there. It's kind of like an improvisational dance. You'll just be zipping along; you'll be banging on all eight cylinders. And it's not a pretend thing; it's not a feel-good program, where they tell you, 'Stop and smell the roses, and your life will get better.' It comes from within. It has to start from deep within, and grow and grow and grow. Then things really change. So transcend, experience the Self - pure consciousness - and watch what happens.

David Lynch, Catching the big fish, Jeremy P.Tarcher/Penguin, 2007

(é que nem tentem tirar sentido da ligação entre as palavras e a imagem, porque fará sempre tanto sentido como algumas sequências do David Lynch, salvaguardadas as distâncias estéticas; mas faz sentido para mim e para uma certa pessoa; é que este excerto fez-me imediatamente pensar em lianas e mais lianas; e não poucas vezes, este livro faz-me pensar em ti; aliás, na margem escrevi, imediatamente e quase sem pensar, "as lianas da Raquel")

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